Lin Hsuan Chao (林軒兆)
Lin Hsuan Chao (林軒兆)
As a Ph.D. candidate, Hsuan-Chao is co-advised by Dr. Chia and Dr. Tsai. He is a foodie and enjoys exploring tasty food. If you have extra food for share, he would be very grateful of your generosity. In his spare time, he likes to go hiking. At work, he always feel that he does everything with a willing heart but ended up being tired and emptied. However, he is good at picking himself up from where he has fallen.
嗨~大家好我叫軒兆,目前是博士研究生,我喜歡做實驗、品嘗美食與登山。實驗室就像我的家,我喜歡與同學們一起腦力激盪解決問題,也享受與大家一起奮鬥求取新知的過程。 我有興趣的研究的主題是細胞遷移與免疫機轉的調控,希望將來能在這個領域有所斬獲。